All Reports

All Reports

There are many different reports that you can run to view your organization's data. Below is a breakdown for what information you can find in each of our reports. 

How to use reports:  

  1. Select Report Name 
  2. Select parameters 
  3. Click “GENERATE” to generate report, click “SAVE” to save parameters for future use 

Icons on generated reports: 

Download the report to a CSV file. Most reports are downloaded into excel to analyze and manipulate data.

Manage/Customize Columns  

NOTE: Any Reports that begin with “My” indicates the report is generated for login user 

How to change the date format in Excel:   
  1. Select the date cells that you would like to change
  2. Select “Control + 1” or “Command + 1” 
  3. In the Format Cells box, select “Number” tab
  4. In the Category list, select the Date
  5. Under “Type” select your preferred date format
  6. Your format will preview in the “Sample Box”
  7. If you want to use a date format according to how another language displays dates, choose the language in “Location” 

Report Name 



Best Practices  

Appointment Billing Info 

A report that generates billing data for scrubbing billing data  prior to billing out. 


This report can be used to do a final check of all appointments with a certain payer in a certain period.  It will show you which appointments are still incomplete or missing info before billing. User can also take this data, go to the payer portal website, and manually input this to bill if you are not connected to a clearing house.  

Appointment Cancellation 

A report that lists the cancellations by type.  


User can see a trend on staff and client cancellations over a period of time. This can be used to see repeat or common staff or client cancellations.  

Appointment Copay 

A report that lists appointments and how much copay is expected. 


Under client authorizations, we have a copay and deductible section. This the information that is populated in this report.  


User can estimate how much copay is expected.  Some customers also use this report to track “co-pays” if they are not using the AR Manager. 

Appointment Forms Info Report 

A report that lists all session note information.  


User can check to see if all information on session note forms that a staff has entered is correct.  This is only applicable to Aloha Forms, not clinical integration platforms.

Appointment List  

A report that generates all information about appointments for a given period.  



Includes lots of appointment information; it is the report that shows all appointment information.  User can export report into excel and perform data analytics using tools such as pivot tables or lookups.  If you have over 100,000 rows of data, this report will take a long time to run or even time out.  Try to reduce the data range or use Staff Appointment List, or Service Appointment List report instead. 

Authorization Summary 

A report that captures all authorization fulfillment for a given period. Includes authorized versus scheduled versus completed versus cancelled. 


User can run this report on a weekly basis to stay on top of progress for all authorizations.  

 Authorization Summary by Month
A report to see how many units were used each month per service. Users can search by payers to see all authorizations for that payer and a breakdown of auth totals, how much are used a month, and how many remain. 
User can run this report to stay on top of progress for all authorizations by the month.  

BCAT Supervision Log 

A report to assist in tracking staff BCAT supervision requirements by month.  


Note: This generates a PDF document.  

Staff Info

Run this on a monthly basis to ensure staff are meeting their supervision requirement for Board Certified Autism Technicians. This report includes appointment info. 

BCAT Supervision Summary Report

A report to assist in summarizing staff BCAT supervision requirements by month. 


Note: This generates a PDF document. 

Staff Info

 Run this on a monthly basis to ensure staff are meeting their supervision requirement for Board Certified Autism Technicians. This is a summary and will not include detailed appointment info. 

BHPN Report 

A report used for Northern California Kaiser (Catalight) to assist in billing. This report generates a document in the correct format to send to this payer.  


This report generates a document in the correct format to send to this payer. This report eliminates the user manually typing in this information.  

Billing Ledger Report 

A report used to track payments, client balance, and payer balance per charge line.


Our billing team sends this to our customers weekly or monthly, upon request.  Users can also use this report to track balances and information on payments.

Client Aging Report 

A report used to indicate billing by client. This report can also be found in the AR Manager of Aloha.  


 Shows Client balance based on billed date for 30, 60, 90, or 120 days. 

Client Authorizations 

A report showing all active authorizations by client. 


User can sort by upcoming expiration date to see what’s expiring, and /or to see who is missing an authorization. 

Client Cabinet 

A report listing all files under client cabinets.  

Client Info

 User can see who’s missing what type of posts, for example  Insurance Card or Intake documentation. This depends on what documents you choose to upload in the Client Cabinet.  Users can generate to note which clients are missing files in theri cabinet such as insurance cars or intake documentation.

Client Contacts 

A report listing all client contacts.  

Client Info

 User can use to see if a client is missing a contact, who’s the responsible party, or who has access to AlohaABA (Client Portal).  

Client Eligibility Check 

A report listing all clients and insurance companies. 


User can generate this report as a quick guide when checking client insurances are still active.  We recommend user check client eligibility monthly. 

Client List 

A report listing all clients with custom fields information. 

Client Info

 User can see what fields are missing and/or share this info with the administrators. 

Client Overlap Appointments
A report that displays any sessions for clients that are overlapping in time. 
Users can specify their search for same service overlaps or for overlapping times. 
Client Service Summary
A report to compare direct versus supervision services and cancellation percentages. This was designed specifically for use with payer “LA Care” 
User can generate to show percentages of supervision or cancellations by a specific client.

Client Staff Assignment 

A report displaying which staff is assigned to which client. 

Staff Info

 User can review client or staff caseload.  Can be used for auditing to see which staff has access to which clients. 

Concurrent Billing Appointments
A report that displays all appointments that have concurrent billing rules applied to them. (E.g. 97153 and 97155 concurrently billed)
Generate to show which appointments have had concurrent billing rules applied (e.g., which 97153 sessions have been zeroed out due to occuring at the same time as 97155).  Will only apply when Concurrent Billing Rules are in place.
Contact Login History
A report that displays the login history for users with access to the client portal. 
Client info
Ensure that client contacts (e.g., parent) is logging in to make payments or view the schedule.  Typically only admins will need access to this report.

Expiring Authorizations 

A report displaying authorizations expiring in 30, 60, 90, 120, or 150 days.    


 User can run this report monthly to see which authorizations are expiring so your team can follow up with the Payer. 

Medical Release Signature 

A report displaying client’s medical release signature information. 

Client Info

User can generate this report to quickly check if a client’s medical release signature information is missing. This information is generated from the client’s authorization.  Some Payer requires a new form annually and some just once.

Mismatched Appointment List
A report displaying all appointments where the scheduled appointment time differs from the staff's verified time.
User can search for specific staff within a date range to identify mismatched appointments and what should be updated before billing or running payroll.
Mismatched Forms Data
A report that displays any appointments where the appointment info detail differs from the values in the Form. 
Can only be used for Aloha Forms, not clinical integrations.  Information can be use to correct data that did not sync properly with Aloha Forms (e.g., Appointment Duration was scheduled for 2 hours, but in the attached Form, staff indicated session was 1 hour)

Monthly Attendance Sheet 

A report showing proof of service on client. 


User may receive requests from school districts for this information.  

My Appointment List 

A report showing logged in user’s appointments.  


User can check if service has been provided to client, and to run statistics on number or duration of appointments. 

My BCAT Supervision Log 

A report showing logged in user’s BCAT Supervision log.  


Staff info

Used to ensure staff meet the maintenance requirements of their Board Certified Autism Technician (BCAT) certification issued by National Commission for Certified Agencies (NCCA). 

My Caseload Appointment List 

A report showing logged in user’s appointments and any appointments for their client.  


Note: To see client’s appointments, client must be listed as assigned to this staff on their profile. 

Staff info

Used to see who else is providing services to this client, to see how many appointments or how many hours was provided per staff for login user’s clients. 

My RBT Supervision Log 

A report showing logged in user’s RBT Supervision log. 

Staff info

Used to ensure staff meet the maintenance requirements of their Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) certification issued by Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). 

Payer Aging Details
A report that breaks down what is still showing with a payer balance on a charge line by charge line basis.
Used to see which payer may need follow up on older claims if the user needs to see the specific chargelines.

Payer Aging Report

A report used to indicate aging bucket by payer. This data can also be found in the AR Manager of Aloha. Billing

Used to see which payer may need follow up on older claims. We recommend to try to keep everything within 60 days.  Anything over 60 days should be followed up as soon as possible. 

Payer Services 

A report listing out all payers, which service, and its rates.


Used to audit rates and show what services each payer will pay for.  

Payment Ledger Details
A report that has a breakdown of payments and what charge lines they were applied to.
Used to see all transactions associated with your payments in Payment Center.

Payment Ledger Report 

A report showing all payments made in this period. This data is pulled from the payment center. 


Used to compare with bank statements to ensure all payments are posted and/or received. 

Payroll Adhoc Report 

A report used to run payroll for staff that are or upcoming to be terminated.  


Run payroll report for staff immediately without going thru payroll wizard.  This is used for staff who have left the company in the middle of a payroll period.  Some states require employers to pay staff who are leaving out immediately. 


  1. ADP Workforce Now
  2. Gusto
  3. Heartland,
  4. Paychex Flex
  5. Paylocity
  6. Simplicity HR

A payroll report that is put in this payroll processor’s format.  


 Export data into excel, then upload this file for these specific payroll processors.  This is a huge time saver if you have more than 30 staff. 

Note: these reports can only be used if all earning codes and staff payroll IDs have been mapped properly. Mapping can be found under Payroll > Payroll ID mapping, and Settings > Payroll > Earning code. 
Payroll Processed Appointments
A report displaying all appointments that were included in a processed pay period. 
Used to see the breakdown of each appointment that was included in the payroll summary. Payroll summary displays staff/hours/earning codes, while this report includes appointment details for each session considered in payroll calculations.

Payroll Report 

A report displaying earning codes, hours, miles, rate, and  amount for staff. 


Used to generate payroll data for Payroll Processed pay period.  This can be used to import into a payroll processor. 

Profit and Loss
A report showing payroll vs. billing

Note:  Payroll must be processed for payroll column to populate.
Utilize to identify if a client, staff, payer or service is profitable for your organization (This is only a rough estimate because it is difficult to break down salaried employees). 
Provider Identifier
A report generated to show all NPI, BPHN, Medicaid IDs, etc entered into the  system.
Staff Info
Display all provider identification numbers in one place.
Quickbooks Invoice
Billing Summary report designed to be uploaded into Quick Books online and mapped to its invoice template to generate invoices for clients. 
When testing this import process to QuickBooks, we recommend you test one client for a few appointments to ensure it is correct. Then expand this test to a few clients. Then, complete a larger batch until you are comfortable. Do not upload all in the first test run because you may need to manually delete one invoice at a time.

RBT Supervision Log 

A PDF report displaying how much RBT supervision that each staff has received per the BACB requirements. 

Staff Info

The BACB requires to keep a copy for seven years in case of an audit.  We recommend to save a copy annually for staff record. 

Service Appointment List 

A report list of all the service appointments within the system.  


Note: Service appointments are appointments with client. 


We recommend running this report and export into excel and use a pivot table to get summaries.  This can be used for sum of hours per service per clients.  

Staff Adjusted Time 

A report displaying appointment scheduled time versus staff verification time. 


 Used to verify for staff payroll time vs scheduled time.  There is also a Sync in Setting > System Settings  to ensure these are always synced. 

Staff Appointment List 

A report displaying staff appointment information.  


Used to audit staff appointment information or run statics on their appointment.  Filter to find missing earning codes or cancellations.  Can also be used to get number of hours or number of appointments per client via a pivot table. 

Staff Cabinet 

A report pulling all staff cabinet data. 

Staff Info

User can see what files or posts are attached to a staff.

Staff Earning Codes 

A report displaying staff pay rates. This is generated from the “pay rate” tab in staff profiles.  


Used to audit staff pay or to see what earning code is missing or assigned to each staff. 

Staff Incomplete Appointment List 

A report displaying appointments that are not completed.  


Used to audit incomplete staff appointments before running billing or payroll. 

Staff List 

A report listing staff information by job title and/or office.  

Staff Info

Used to audit or view all staff information at once. 

Staff Overlap Check
A report displaying all appointments that have overlapping time per staff to ensure staff are not being scheduled in overlapping sessions. 
Used to make sure staff are not double-booked between sessions after scheduling

Staff Productivity 

A report displaying percentage of billing, percentage of service, billing, payroll, scheduled hours, and cancelled hours. 


Can be used to improve staff productivity. 

Staff PTO Hours 

A report displaying how many PTO hours are scheduled.  

Staff Info

Can be used to enter into payroll processor or see how many PTO hours used for any given period.  Aloha cannot track accrual, just what has been used.

Staff Qualifications 

A report displaying staff qualification. This is generated from the staff profile’s “Qualification” tab.  

Staff Info

User can sort by expiration date to see all expiring or expired qualifications.  

Staff Timesheet Submission 

A report displaying when and if staff have submitted their timesheet.  


Used to see who submitted their timesheet to ensure all past appointments were completed or cancelled.  

Supervised Appointments 
A report displaying all appointments that contain supervision hours. Appointments will appear in this list for staff who are being supervised.
Generate to determine which appointments were supervised.

Supervision Tracking Summary 

A report displaying RBT Supervision tracking summary information per the BACB. This displays this information for multiple staff, if rules are met when scheduling a supervision appointment.  


Staff Info

User can see if the staff have “MET” the BACB Supervision tracking requirements per month.  

User Login History 

A report displaying staff log in/log out times and login duration for Aloha. 

Staff info

Used to see if staff has logged into Aloha ever (great for new staff) or during a search period. 

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