It is recommended to schedule time with your Customer Success Manager to complete this process.
Please use the following steps as a guide in setting up Payroll ID Mapping
Payroll Settings
1. Go to
Settings > Payroll > General and

2. Select the payroll processor that your organization uses. If you are using a different payroll processor, please speak directly with your Customer Success Manager.
3. Fill in the required information.
Identification #: Your organization's identification number with your payroll processor
Include Rate: It is recommended to toggle "no" in this section.
Mileage code: This is the payroll processor's code for mileage. Only fill this in if you reimburse for mileage.
Do you import mileage pay amount or mileage miles? This is asking which column you want the mileage to go into in the payroll report
Map Your Earning Codes
1. Go to Settings > Payroll > Earning code
2. Next to the Aloha code, enter the code of your processor's matching code (e.g., the code in Aloha might be labeled as "Hourly" while the payroll processor labels it "HOUR")
3. If there is an OT code from the payroll processor, enter it in the OT column.
4. Double time codes should be mapped only for states that include double time in their overtime laws (e.g., California)

If you are using Gusto as your payroll processor, you must have multiple staff job titles if you are using multiple earning codes.
Overtime Rules
1. Go to Settings > Payroll > Overtime Rules
2. Double check OT rules against the rules entered in your payroll processor
Map Staff IDs
1. Go to Payroll > Payroll ID Mapping
2. Add payroll ID from the processor that corresponds with each staff member.
3. If you do not want to include a staff member in the export file (e.g., owner) uncheck the box next to their name.

Be very careful when adding this in. The same ID cannot be used twice and if the wrong ID is used, it will pay the wrong person.
Test it Out
Run the payroll. See the Help Center article on
Payroll for support in this area.
2. Go to

and find the report that matches your payroll processor.
3. Export using the

in the upper right corner.
4. Follow the instructions from your payroll processor to upload into their system.

It is recommended to test this at least once before rolling it out by cross checking at least 10% of your staff's pay in the report against Aloha's Payroll Summary. Pay special attention to drive time, mileage, OT, double time and PTO. Another way to test is to pull the previous pay period data and make sure it matches the Aloha Payroll Summary.

When running a payroll report using ID mapping for the first time, give yourself a few days to ensure their are no glitches. If payroll is due on Thursday, don't run it for the first time on Wednesday night!