Frequently Used Reports

Frequently Used Reports

Here is a quick guide to the most frequently used reports within our system.  Start by using the  icon to see a list of the available reports in Aloha.  We recommend using the star icon to favorite the reports you use the most often. 

All reports can be exported to Excel using the  icon.  By clicking on the  icon, you can determine which columns of the report you would like to see/hide.

Authorization Usage

Authorization Summary

User can run this report on a weekly basis to stay on top of progress for all authorizations.  The most relevant columns are Allowed Limit (which shows the total for the entire authorization) and the Auth (which shows what you currently have left).  The Scheduled and Completed columns show what is currently planned out and completed.  The percentage columns show this data as a percentage rather than a number.

Authorization Summary by Month
Similar to authorization summary, this report breaks down authorization usage within each month.  This report can be used to show a pattern of hours completed or for payers that deliver hours by the month rather than by the authorization.

Expiring Authorization
User can run this report monthly to see which authorizations are expiring so your team can follow up with the Payer.  Parameters can be set to show expiring authorizations within a certain time period and indicate which treatment authorizations are up for a renewal.


Appointment Billing Info
This report can be used to do a final/dummy check of all billable appointments with a certain payer in a certain period.  Go to the Completed column to view which appointments are still incomplete (it will show as blank) or missing info before billing.  If you skip going to this report before billing, any uncompleted appointments will not show up in the Billing Manager.  User can also take this data, go to the payer portal website, and manually input this to bill if you are not connected to a clearing house.  

Billing Ledger Report

Users can also use this report to track balances and information on payments.  It will indicate which chargelines have payments posted and which are still outstanding.  The report also indicates how much was paid which can be compared to the charge and contract rates within the report.  The Billing Ledger report will show secondary payments in addition to primary.

Payment Ledger Details

In addition to viewing payments within the Payment Center, this report will show all transactions within a desired time period.  It is possible to search for specific reference numbers as well or for all payments from a specific payer.  Using this report will enable you to export the relevant information from the Payment Center for your own personal record keeping.


Appointment Cancellation

User can see a list of all cancellations over a set period of time. This can be used to determine trends in repeat or common staff or client cancellations.  

Appointment List

This report shows all appointment information for service and non-service appointments for the specified date range.  User can export report into excel and perform data analytics using tools such as pivot tables or lookups.  If you have over 100,000 rows of data, this report will take a long time to run or even time out.  Try to reduce the data range or use Staff Appointment List, or Service Appointment List report instead to narrow the parameters. 

Client Service Summary
User can generate to show percentages of supervised sessions or cancellations by a specific client.  Parameters can be set to define staff and client cancellations as well as supervision.

Staff Incomplete Appointment List

Used to audit incomplete staff appointments before running billing or payroll.  This report will show all incomplete appointments in the specified date range.  Reminder:  An appointment cannot be billed or paid until it is completed.

Tracking Supervision

RBT Supervision Log
This log will generate an individual certificate for each staff members by the month.  The certificate indicates if the staff member has met all the components of RBT supervision.  The BACB requires to keep a copy for seven years in case of an audit.  We recommend to save a copy annually for staff record.  Supervisors must documents their supervision in the supervision tab of the appointment in order to generate this certificate.  For more details on tracking RBT/BCAT supervision, see the RBT/BCAT Supervision Tracking article in the Knowledge Base.

Supervision Tracking

User can see if the staff have “MET” the BACB Supervision tracking requirements per month in a report that can be exported to excel rather than an individual certificate.  

Supervised Appointment List
Generates a list of appointments that were supervised (i.e., supervision of an employee was documented in the Supervision tab of the appointment).

For a more detailed list of all Aloha reports, you can access the Reports article in the Knowledge Base.

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