FAQ: Scheduling

FAQ: Scheduling

These frequently asked questions will help provide guidance as you troubleshoot through the scheduling section of Aloha.

What does “Substitute” checkbox in Appointments do?

This is used when an employee covers a client that they are not assigned to.  If the staff member cannot normally view Client A, but if scheduled with Staff, it would validate message.  Checking that box would allow the staff member to temporarily view the client's information.

How to switch an authorization after an appointment has already been billed or processed for payroll? And why would you need to do this?

Sometimes customers bill appointments to the wrong payer and they need to redo it again. Instead of having to manually recreate all the sessions all over again, you can switch the existing appts to then re-bill them as if they were going out the first time.  You can follow the steps in this article, Correction after Billing the Wrong Payer (this works even if the appointments have not yet been billed) or contact your CSM for extra support.

I see a warning box next to my appointment.

The  indicates that something is wrong with the appointment and it cannot be completed.  Sometimes this error is a false flag, if you are able complete the appointment, there's no need to worry.  If you try to complete the appointment and there is an issue, there should be a pop-up letting you know why the appointment cannot be completed.

There are two common issues that prevent an appointment from being completed:

Staff member does not have the required credential:  Double check the required credentials listed in Payer > Services.  If the staff member does not have the required credentials added in Aloha (Staff > Qualifications), you will not be able to complete the appointment.  

Staff member does not have a pay rate/earning codeEvery staff member must have a pay rate to be on the schedule.  Go to Staff Profile > Pay Rates to see if there is a pay rate attached.  If not, add one, even if it's fake (e.g., $1/hour).  If there is a pay rate, make sure that the appointment falls within the date rate of the pay rate (e.g., if the employee's pay rate starts 8/1/2024, an appointment on 7/30/2024 cannot be added).  If the appointment was added before the pay rate was added, the earning code will not apply retroactively.  You will have to select the earning code under the verification tab manually.

The icon indicating my integrated session note is attached is yellow instead of green.

If the  is yellow instead of green, it indicates that the verified time in the clinical integration (i.e., Motivity or Hi Rasmus) does not match the time in Aloha.  The employee should edit their session note to make sure it matches the actual time of the session.  Check out this article on Clinical Integration Icons to learn more!

How do I check my authorization usage?

Follow the steps in this article, Tracking client authorization usage, to see the ways to check on your authorization usage.

I'm scheduling out an entire authorization and received a warning about over scheduling.

In this scenario, you can click proceed.  Aloha will let you overschedule (in case of cancellations), but you will not be able to complete appointments that will send you over the authorization.

I'm trying to mass cancel or mass complete appointments, but it says there aren't any.  I'm staring at the appointments on my screen right now!  

Make sure you are highlighted on the staff/client schedule you are trying to edit.  Check the bottom left corner to see which person you are currently working on.

What is the red outline on the schedule? 

Sometimes we think RED is something bad, but in this case, it just indicates which staff/client's schedule you are working on.  Make sure the schedule you want to edit is highlighted in the bottom left corner.  The red outline indicates that is the schedule you are editing.

What's the best practice for scheduling when I have a lot of coverage?

Users can now view multiple schedules with a timeline view by clicking on this button twice in the upper right hand corner of the Schedule screen.  Users can drag, drop, or extend appointments within the timeline view without needing to open each appointment.

How do I search my whole team or multiple staff members at once?  

This can be done by creating a clinical team.  Go to Staff > Manage Clinical Teams and create a new team.  A clinical team can consist of all staff members of a certain region, certain position or just the entire organization.  Add the staff members to the team and SAVE.  Back in the Schedule search for the name of the clinical team (e.g., all staff).  This will make populate all members of the clinical teams calendars at the same time.  No more typing in one staff member at a time!

Clinical teams can also be created for client groups!

Why isn't my client showing up in the drop-down to schedule?

In order to schedule in Aloha, all clients must have an active authorization.  If your client does not appear in the drop-down it is because they do not have an active authorization or the service is not listed in the authorization in Aloha.  You can add or edit an authorization by going to the Client Profile > Authorization.  For clients where no pre-authorization is required, Aloha still requires an authorization.  Add an authorization for the services/units you plan to complete (maybe overestimate a bit!) but leave the authorization number blank. 

Always make sure you have accurate insurance information and have completed an eligibility check before starting services, especially when no pre-authorization is required.

What is the difference between a location and a Place of Service?

Though they sound the same, these are actually two different things that populate in different areas of the schedule.

Place of Service is a term used by insurance payers to indicate where a service was performed.  These number-letter combinations (e.g, 11-Office or 10-Telehealth in Patient's Home) are industry standard.  Insurance payers do not care about the address in which a service was performed.  They care about the category or POS.

Location is found in the appointment info tab of the schedule.  The location choices are pulled from the client profile and the client contacts.  This address serves as a indicator of where your staff should go for work and also helps calculate mileage and drive time.  It is not used for billing purposes.

If you would like to add a new location (e.g., daycare) to the drop down, go to the Client Profile > Contacts to add.  If the contact relationship choices need additional options, go to Settings > Custom List > General and use the search bar to search for "contact relationship".  From here you can use the to add additional categories (e.g, "school" or "SLP").

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