There are a few ways to track authorization usage of your clients.

If you are new to Aloha, make sure to deduct what was used in your previous system when entering new authorizations. For example, if you have 48 units of 97151, but billed out 8 units before switching to Aloha, make sure to enter 40 units to reflect the most accurate data.
There are two reports that show authorization usage. Reports can be accessed through the

Authorization Summary is the report that will show you
authorization usage in bulk by CPT code for each payer/client for a set date range. This report will display the total number as well as percentage of both scheduled and complete hours for all services authorized. Parameters are set by the payer, but can be sorted and exported to excel for individual clients.
Authorization Summary by Month will break
how many units were used each month per service. Users can search by payers to see all authorizations for that payer and a breakdown of auth totals, how much are used a month, and how many remain. Parameters are set by the payer, but can be sorted and exported to excel for individual clients.
Authorization usage for a particular service can also be checked in the schedule.
1. Single click on an appointment for a client/service that you are trying to check authorization usage for.
2. Click on
"Authorization Summary", which will show you the usage for that
particular code/client.
3. "Scheduled" is the number of units that were entered in the calendar; "Completed" indicates the number of units that were rendered or completed by staff.

Aloha will let you schedule out more than the authorization allows, but will only let you complete within the authorization.