

Viewing multiple client/staff schedules

AlohaABA allows you to view multiple staff and client schedules on the same screen. Simply locate the Staff/Client Calendar search field on the left under the calendar. Next, simply search for the staff or client's name that you want to view. You can also view the schedule of a Clinical Team. See below for instructions on how to do this. Once staff and/or clients are selected, their appointments will be displayed on the calendar to the right.

To navigate to schedules, click the  icon on the left navigation.

Scheduling Appointment icons

  1.  Non service appointment (Appointment without a kiddo)
  2.  Service appointment
  3.  Drive time appointment
  4.  Break time appointment
  5.  Unavailable appointment

Managing appointments

Add a Service/Billable Appointment

Double click on the the time where you want to schedule your appointment or click the Add button on the bottom right of you screen.

The Create Appointment window will appear.
  1. Appointment Type - Select which appointment type you are trying to schedule (Appointment / Drive Time / Break Time). In this case we are creating a regular Appointment.
  2. Date - Which date are you scheduling the appointment for?
  3. Start Time/ End Time - What time is the appointment for?
  4. Repeat - Allows your to create appointments which follow a specific pattern.
  5. Service - Select the service you are trying to schedule. 
  6. Client - Select the client you are providing services for. Based on the service you select, AlohaABA will display the clients that are authorized for that service.  If this is a non-billable appointment, do not attach a client.
  7. Staff - Select the available staff who will be providing the service. 
  8. Title - Name of the appointment. By default AlohaABA will display the staff name, client name, service and time of the appointment.
  9. Location - Where is the service being held?
  10. Notes - Any additional notes you want to add to this appointment.
  11. Once completed click Save.

Add a Non-service/non-billable Appointment

Follow the same instructions as a billable appointment, but don't attach a client.  In the Title, write what the appointment is.

If you pay a different rate for non-service/non-billable appointments, ,ake sure the correct earning code for Non-service appointments is defaulted by going to Settings > Payroll > Earning Codes and selecting "Defaults" at the top.  You can make sure all non-service appointments pay employees the selected rate (e.g., "Admin" or "Non-billable").  

Earning codes can be changed for individual appointments by going to the appointment and clicking on the Verification tab.

Add Drive Time

Double click on the time where you want to schedule the appointment or click the "+" button on the bottom right.  

**Drive time appointments should be added after all other appointments in order to calculate time and mileage with our google maps integration.

1.  The Create Appointment window will appear.
2.  Select Drive Time at the top.

3.  Date - Which date are you scheduling the appointment for?
4.  Start Time/ End Time - What time is the appointment for? 
InfoIf you are only paying for mileage, this does not matter.  If you are paying for time in the car, you can determine this after using the Google Maps integration.  

5.  Repeat - Allows your to create appointments which follow a specific pattern.
6.  Staff - Add the staff(s) that are driving to the location.
7.  Starting Point / Destination - Enter the address for starting point and the destination.  The drop-down menu should populate with the address of the previous appointment in the schedule.

8.  Ending Point/Destination - The drop-down menu should populate with the address of the next appointment in the schedule.

9.  Google maps integration - Click the blue circle arrows to calculate the estimated drive time/mileage between the two destinations.  

10.  You can adjust the time of the appointment manually to match if you are paying a wage for time in the car.  The mileage will calculate for payroll automatically based on the mileage rate entered in your Settings --> Payroll --> General
11.  Notes - Any additional notes you want to add to this appointment.
12.  Once completed click Save.

Drive Time vs. Mileage
It is important to note whether you are paying your staff for the time in the car vs. miles driven.  Some organizations reimburse for one while others reimburse for both. 

Mileage: Reimburses a staff member for the number of miles they drove.  Make sure your Settings > Payroll > General has your mileage reimbursement rate listed.  The number of miles in the appointment will be multiplied by the reimbursement rate and added to the Payroll Report.  When reimbursing for mileage only, the duration of the drive time appointment does not matter as long as you select "no pay" as the earning code.  

Drive Time:  Reimburses a staff member for the amount of time they are in the car.  This should be set up as part of their hourly rate (or create a special rate in Settings > Payroll > Earning Codes for their "Drive Time" or "Admin" rate).  If you are only reimbursing for drive time, you can still use the Google Maps integration in the drive time appointment.  Simply use the integration and then change the appointment Start/End time to reflect the number of minutes Google determines the drive should take. 

Make sure the correct earning code for Drive Time is defaulted by going to Settings > Payroll > Earning Codes and selecting "Defaults" at the top.  You can make sure all drive time appointments pay employees the selected rate (e.g., "Admin" or "Drive Time").  If you are only paying for mileage, select "No Pay" as the default earning code.

Add Break Time

  1. Double click on the the time where you want to schedule your appointment or click the Add button on the bottom right of you screen.
  2. The Create Appointment window will appear.
  3. Select Break Time at the top.
  4. Date - Which date are you scheduling the appointment for?
  5. Start Time/ End Time - What time is the appointment for?
  6. Repeat - Allows your to create appointments which follow a specific pattern.
  7. Staff - Add the staff(s) that are taking a break.
  8. Title - Name of the appointment. By default AlohaABA will display the staff name, client name, service and time of the appointment.
  9. Notes - Any additional notes you want to add to this appointment.
  10. Once completed click Save.
  11. Delete an appointment

Edit an Appointment

  1. Locate the appointment from the schedule and double click or single click and click edit.
  2. The delete icon  is located at the top right of the appointment screen. 
  3. Click  to delete the appointment.

Cancel an appointment

  1. Locate the appointment from the schedule and double click or single click and click edit.
  2. The Cancellation types are located at the top right of the appointment screen under "Status" next to the delete icon.    
  3. Click the type of cancellation it is, and write a note for the cancellation under the Appointment Info tab at the very bottom. Save.

Completing an appointment

  1. Locate the appointment from the schedule double click to open.
  2. Click on the "Verification" tab along the top
  3. Make sure that the earning code field is filled in correctly before clicking the "Complete" check box.

How to View a Clinical Team's Schedule

To create a clinical team, please see the article here: Staff/Client/Payer Management 
1. Select the Schedule Icon 
2. Type in the Clinical Team Name in “Add staff/client calendar(s)” 

3. Click the check mark next to each staff/client that populates to add their schedule to be viewable in the calendar 

Default Earning Codes

In order to default an earning code for a type of appointment, go to Settings --> Earning Codes and click on the Defaults tab at the top.  From here, you can select defaults for Non-service (non-billable) appointments (some organization pay a different rate for non-billable time), drive time (select "no pay" if you are only paying for mileage and not the time spent in the car) and Break time (select "no pay" if breaks at your organization are unpaid).  

FAQ Scheduling

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