How do I add and manage my payments?

How do I add and manage my payments?

AlohaABA's Payment Center gives you the flexibility to add/edit new and existing payments and manage payer account balances.

Accessing Payment Center

The payment center can be found under the Billing section using the left navigation menu.

How to add payments

  1. Tap on the Add button on the bottom right.
  2. Select the payer 
  3. Add in the date of the payment, payment type, reference number (check #) and the amount of the payment.  You can also attach EOBs or an image of the check.
  4. Tap Save.

Editing payments

  1. Click on the Edit icon  on the left of the payment. 
  2. Every field is editable and a log of changes are displayed under Payment Transaction Log.

  3. The "Action" field allows users to select Interest, Adjustments, and Refund from a drop down menu. Only adjustment amount can be a positive or a negative number. You can also add  attachments such as EOBs or a copy of the check to the payment.

How to post payments

  1. Double click the payment row to access the Post Payment Screen.

    There are six areas in this screen:
    1. Client List - This area will display clients that have been loaded using the "Add Client" field.
    2. Claim and Invoice List - This area will display the claims and invoices for the selected client.
    3. Charge Line List - A list of charge lines for the selected claim/invoices.
      1. Charge line statuses - Each charge line will have a status. The definitions are below. 
        1. Open - No action has been made to the charge line
        2. Denied - When the "Denied" action is used without any payment or adjustments. 
        3. Underpayment - When a payment is made, but there is still a balance.
        4. Overpayment - When a payment is made, but there is a negative balance.
        5. Closed - When balance equals 0.
    4. Payment Details - In this section, you can add allowed, contractual adjustment, deductible, coinsurance, copay and amount paid.
    5. Action items - This action will allow users to make adjustments, transfer, mark as denied, settle, follow-up or just write a note.
      1. Transfer - Transfer the balance from payer to client or vice versa.
      2. Adjustment - A positive or negative credit to the client/payer.
      3. Follow up - A reminder date to follow up with the payer for this charge line will be flagged by using a report.
      4. Denied - will mark claim Status as "Denied" if no payment or adjustment has been made to this charge line.
      5. Settle - Will adjust both payer and client balance to 0.
    6. Charge Line Transaction Log - This is a history of all transactions made on the charge line. Every action will be recorded in this section.
  2. Posting payments to a charge line.  The point of this is to take the bulk payment you received and apply it to the different chargelines that it covers.  At the end, the unapplied amount should read 0.00.  
    1. Search for the client using the "Add Client" field.
    2. To the right of "Add Client", select a month using the "Date of Service" left and right indicators and click "Add".
      1. The client will be added to the "Client List"
      2. All claims and invoices for this client for the selected month will be loaded under the "Claim and Invoice List"
      3. All charge lines for the first claim will be loaded under the Charge Line List.
      4. Any prior payments made by this check for the first Charge Line will be loaded under Payment Details. The Payment Details will be black if no prior payments were posted from this payment/Check.
      5. The first Charge Line's history will be loaded under the Charge Line Transaction Log area.
    3. Select the charge line you want to post a payment to and update the Payment Details. Click "Save" or "Save & Next" to go to the next record.
    4. When all payments are made, click the red X on the upper right above the “Unapplied” amount to go back to your Payment List.

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