These frequently asked questions will help provide guidance as you troubleshoot through the staff profile and user permissions section of Aloha.
My employee hasn't received an email to create a login, but I created them a staff profile. How do I invite them to use the site?
Creating a staff profile does not automatically create a login. Once the staff profile is created (make sure to include an email address!), go to Settings --> Security --> User Accounts. Clear the filters and select the staff member you'd like to invite. Then, assign them an office and a role.
If you have already invited a staff member to use the site, but their invite expired, you can resend the invitation from this same section.

My staff member can only see some of the clients. How can I make sure they see all the clients? How can I make sure they only see clients they are assigned to?
Under Settings > User Roles, go to the general tab. If you want your staff member to see all clients or all staff, make sure these boxes are checked.
To limit access to certain clients and staff, follow these instructions:
- If you only want your staff member to see clients they are assigned to, go to the client profile and enter the staff name under "client assignment". This will give them access to that particular client's information.
- If you want your staff members to see the profiles of only certain other staff members, they must be on a "clinical team" with that person. For more information on clinical teams, scroll to the Setting Up Staff section of the on Staff/Client/Payer Overview article in the Knowledge Base.
- The “supervisor” section of the staff profile is only for reporting purposes. It will not give someone access to their supervisor or supervisee’s profile. If the supervisor is on the same clinical team as their RBT, then they will be able to see each other’s schedules.
Another common error we see is only assigning a staff member to one office. If you have multiple offices (even a billing address and a separate service facility address), make sure to assign your staff member to all offices they require access to; they will only see staff and clients under the offices they are assigned to. Under Settings > User Accounts, select the staff name and click "assign office and role". Make sure all offices are selected.
What is the point of a clinical team?
A clinical team allows you to pull multiple schedules at the same time without having to type them individually. If you type the name of clinical team, all members' calendars will populate.
Additionally, it allows staff who do not have access to all staff/clients to view information about people they are on a clinical team with.
I swear I entered a staff qualification in their profile, but it's not showing up! When I try to enter it again, it says that qualification already exists. Am I going crazy?
Maybe, but try this first. On the staff profile, at the top of the screen, clear the filters. It's possible the qualification expired. Clearing the filters will pull up any expired qualifications. Then you can enter a new expiration date.
There's nowhere to enter my employee's NPI numbers in their profile. How do I add this?
Because NPI numbers are related to billing, go to Billing > Provider Identifier. All employees and offices with NPI numbers will fill automatically. To enter new NPIs, first clear the filters. Then add the numbers and check off whether they are a billing provider, service facility or rendering provider. Typically, individuals are "rendering providers" while offices are "billing providers" and "service facilities". However, make sure to double check your credentialling; sometimes you need to bill under the individual rather than the group.