Creating User Roles

Creating User Roles

Creating User Roles

  1. Go to Settings > Security > User Roles
  2. Click the + icon to create a new user role
  3. Enter in the user role name. Click the check icon to create the new role.
  4. Select the permissions the permissions for the role. At the very bottom, click save.
You can copy an existing user role's permissions by clicking on "Apply a template" at the top. Select the pre-existing role you want to copy from, then make additional changes to the new role you're trying to add.

Renaming User Roles 

  1. Single click on the User Role that you want to work on. The role you are editing will be displayed in blue text. 
  2. Double click on the User Role name and you can edit the title.
  3. Click the check mark to save the name. 
This title does NOT need to match Job titles if desired. The name of your User Role is essentially the group of permissions you want to add people to-- for example, a group of BCBAs, RBTs, and BTs can be lumped into a User Role group titled "RBT" if you want them to have the same access within Aloha. 

User Role Permissions and Descriptions

Menu – The permission that allows you to customize what icons are displayed on the left-hand side when they log in to Aloha. This is not their access within each of those icons, but just the display for that category in the sidebar.   If a user does not have any access to a section of Aloha (e.g., Payroll), we recommend not letting them see the icon. 


General - Grants Access To hierarchy 

  • Billing Financials: Allows users to see the Billing Tab icon. If they are not provider access to content within the billing tab, they will only see the icon on the left side bar (see Billing Tab User Permission for more permission)  

  • Payroll Financials - Allows users to see data related to payroll, such as all staff's earning codes and payroll totals. Only admin would typically need permission to this. 

  • All Staff Allows users to see all staff members within Aloha.  By selecting “no access” you can give employees access to see only other staff members on their clinical teams. 

  • All Client:  Allows users to see all clients entered within Aloha.  By selecting “no access” you can give employees access to see only clients assigned to them. 

  • Activity Tracking: This icon is available in the staff, client or payer record to indicate if any changes have been made to the record. Generally this should only be available to administrators. 

  • Notifications:  Allows users receive notifications from Aloha (bell icon in the upper right hand corner).  This includes, but is not limited to expirations on their certifications and licenses. 

  • Time Sheet Submitted Appointments: If a timesheet has been submitted, appointments can still be edited if this is checked. 

  • Create Appointment before Timesheet Submission Date: If this item is checked, appointments can be created after a timesheet has been submitted. Staff must also have permission to create appointments in the scheduling section. 


My Schedule -Permissions related to the selected User Role's schedule. 
  • Create Appointment - Allow user role to create different appointment types. Creating specific appt types can be restricted. 

  • Service Appointment 

  • Drive Time Appointment 

  • Break Time Appointment 

  • Non-Service Appointment 

  • Appointment Info:  This is the first tab of any appointment on the schedule and includes the date/time, client, service and location. 

  • Appointment Status: This will let an employee change an appointment from active to a cancellation or vice-versa.   

  • Delete Appointment:  Will let employees delete their own appointments.  We typically do not recommend this for employees who are not in charge of creating their own schedule.  Most appointments should be canceled rather than deleted. 

  • Verification:  This tab will allow staff and clients to sign for appointments (if that option is chosen) and check the appointment as completed to verify the hours. 

  • Billing- Allows staff to view/change the billable details of an appointment. This tab displays CPT code, charge rate, billing minutes, rendering provider, service facility, Place of Service, and modifiers. If you want to give access to this tab so they can change the Rendering Provider/POS/Modifiers without allowing them to see the charge rates, you can do that by giving “No Access” in General > Billing Financials and keeping this tab as “Full Access”. That will display the rest of the billable details of an appointment without displaying charge rates. 

  • Documents Only enable this tab if you are using Aloha’s internal session notes.  This tab will enable staff to add a form and complete their session notes within Aloha.   

  • Supervision:  This tab should be enabled for BCBAs providing RBT supervision.  If there are overlapping appointments between a BCBA and RBT, the BCBA can add the RBT’s name as the supervisee which will log the appointment as supervised hours toward their monthly 5%. 

  • Edit Earning Code – Allows staff to change the earning code of their own appointment. Most organizations set this as "No access”. 

  • Edit Staff Verification Time – Allows staff to change their verification time on their own appointments before they mark the session as complete. Most organizations set this as “Full Access”  

  • Session Notes – Only enable this tab if you are using Motivity or Hi Rasmus for data collection. This tab displays the synced session note from the data collection platform. 

Others Schedule - Permissions for this user role to access other staff's schedules.  Descriptions same as above. 

Reports – The permission that allows you to customize which Reports the logged in user can generate. Each report can be customized for “Full Access” or “No Access” 

Settings – The permission that allows you to access and change the settings for the category selected under user roles. Typically only admin staff should have access to the Settings.

Dashboard- The permission that allows you to customize which widgets and graphs are displayed to the logged in user on their Dashboard. 


Forms - This is only necessary if employees will be generating notes within Aloha.  If using Motivity, Hi Rasmus, or any other data collection platform it is not necessary to give employees access to forms. 

  1. Form Manager - Allows user role to create a Form template for use in the Schedule. Typically only admin need access to this permission.
  2. Generate Forms- Allows user role to mass generate Forms that are attached to appointments. Specific parameters can be set for dates, staff, clients, payers, etc. in the event of an audit and you want to pull all relevant Forms.
For more information on User Roles, visit our Knowledge Base article on Frequently Asked Questions about Staff Entries and User Accounts

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