The Aloha team is excited to announce the following new features/enhancements added to Aloha ABA, which is scheduled to take place on Friday, August 11, 2023 at 11PM PST. Your Aloha site will be down temporarily for about an hour during this timeframe.
In Forms, we've added a “Copy” button
to create a copy of an existing Form to use as a template.
Once an appointment in Aloha is autocompleted from Motivity after approval of a session note, the “staff” field will be greyed out so it can no longer be edited.
In “Generate Invoice”, the defaulted invoice format will be “Standard Invoice” when an Insurance payer is selected. If a different invoice format is selected, then “Standard Invoice” cannot be used and will display a message of “Please select a Non-Insurance payer to generate the report".
In Settings > Security > User Roles, users can allow or restrict staff from creating or editing non-service appointments in Schedule.
Charge rates across all services will be copied into the “Contract Rate” field in Payer services if the value has been left blank. We’ve added a “Contract Rate” column to existing reports.
In the Contact Login History Report, we’ve added the contact’s relationship to client in parentheses next to the contact's name.
Signatures from session notes for future appointments in Motivity will not sync over.
In the Post Payment screen in Payment Center, if you hover over a selected claim/invoice it will display the Rendering Provider.
Under the Concurrent Billing tab in Payers, we’ve changed the wording to reduce confusion. By default, payers can be billed concurrently unless a rule is created. The rule will read “If Service A overlaps with Service B, then bill Service A or B.”
In System Settings under “Notification Settings,” the “Time Sheet Submission” Notification now allows users to select reminders for submission of timesheets for X days before or after pay period end date.
Bug Fixes:
In the Schedule under “Documents,” if a Form is selected and downloaded, the print preview will now show the entire document instead of being cut off.
What we're working on:
Availity Clearing House Issues
Claim Fix
Timeline view on Calendar
Two-factor Authentication