Release Summary Aug 2023 - 2.3

Release Summary Aug 2023 - 2.3



The Aloha team is excited to announce the following new features/enhancements added to Aloha ABA, which has been deployed last night, September 6 2023, to your Aloha site. 



  1. In Client profiles, any payers that are expired are now hidden within the “Authorizations” tab and can be displayed when “Load Expired records” or “Clear all filters” is selected. 

  2. Staff and client names that include capitalized characters (ex: John O'Connell) will display properly on the CMS 1500 form, Schedule, Payroll, and within Clinical Integrations sections  

  3. A client/staff signature can now be added to an appointment at any time, even if the appointment has already been marked as “Complete, processed billed or in payroll.  

  4. A new report has been added for Paylocity payroll integration, titled “Payroll Paylocity”. This report can be uploaded into Paylocity to process payroll.  

  5. When a Clinical integration (Motivity or Hi Rasmus) is added to your Aloha site, it will automatically enable the “Session Notes” tab in Appointments where your synced notes will be displayed.  

  6. In the Client List report, if the client does not have an email on their profile, we will display the Responsible party’s email.  

  7. If any Report is sorted/categorized within Aloha and exported via Excel/CSV file, the same sorting will be included in the exported file

  8. In the Staff profile, the Inactive date allows you to select past dates up until the last completed appointment that staff member has. Underneath the Inactive date we’ve included an “Inactive on” which will display the current date that staff member was marked as inactive.  

  9. In the Supervision Tracking Summary Report, we have added a column for “Qualification”.  

  10. In Appointments > Supervision tab, any supervisor can supervise another staff member regardless of the supervisee’s qualifications. Previously, the supervisee had to be an RBT. Now, anyone can be supervised.  

  11. When staff profile is marked as Inactive and they have appointments on Schedule after that date, a popup will ask if future appointments would like to be deleted. If yes, the system will delete all appointments after the inactive date, not including the inactive date’s appointments itself.  

Bug Fixes:   

  1. Payroll Summary PDF report can now be generated and downloaded as a PDF.  

  2. When using Aloha on a mobile device, we have fixed an error where the system didn’t display the “edit appointment” option on tabs. The “edit” option is now accessible in both landscape and portrait mode. 

  3. In schedule, appointments from the first week are now displayed in the “month view” and are no longer missing when switching from day/week to month view. 

  4. Mass completion issues due to user requirements that were already covered by other qualifications has been fixed. Mass Completion of appointments is now working properly. 

  5. In Settings > Security > User roles, users were not able to save changes when selecting “view only” in “Appointment Status” after selecting “view only” in “Appointment Info”. This error has been resolved, and both permissions can now be saved as “view only. 

  6. In Aloha’s Forms, the time stamp on the signature would not match the actual time the note itself was signed. This has been fixed to display the correct time of the signature. 

  7. When assigning a staff from one office to another, the system will display the staff records based on the permissions set for that individual in Settings > Security > User roles. 

  8. On Schedule, when an appt is single clicked, the “Show Auth Summary” text no longer overlaps on the popup and is displayed properly. 

  9. Users can now save session notes in Aloha without error codes appearing. Ex: An error occurred while reading from the store provider’s data reader. This error has been resolved. 

  10. When viewing overlapping appointments that end at the same time, they will now display as lined up on the schedule.  

  11. Any time an appointment is deleted in Aloha, that appointment will also be deleted in Motivity.  

  12. In Payer > Billing Rules tab, it is displayed as “Not allowed” if billing rules should be entered or “Allowed" if concurrent billing is allowed for that payer. 

  13. In Forms, the "Time Picker” field has been removed as it was being displayed as a blank box.  

  14. In Forms, we have resolved the timestamp glitch that displayed the timestamp as “12:00 am” when the note was saved. 

  15. While saving appointments in the schedule, a pop-up will display that informs the user that the appointment has not been successfully saved, so that the user can save the appointment again. 

  16. When the staff member on a recurring appointment has changed, the modifier for the appointment will be updated based on the current staff's qualifications. 

  17. When creating multiple appointments in day view, then switching back to week view, the appointments will no longer overlap with each other.  

  18. In Staff Profile > Supervisor box, if there is no supervisor listed then the delete icon will not be displayed.  

What we're working on:    

  • Availity Clearing House Issues  

  • Claim Fix   

  • Timeline view on Calendar  

  • Two-factor Authentication   


  • For all questions and support, please email and CC your customer success manager on the email. We have a dedicated Customer Service team who reviews emails during business hours and can provide faster responses than your CSM may be able to provide.  

  • Aloha ABA works best in the Google Chrome web browser.   

  • Your Aloha ABA subscription can now be paid via ACH payments.

  • Your Aloha ABA subscription can be paid with autopay by emailing   

  • To reset your Aloha ABA web application, please clear your cache by going to Chrome Settings (at the upper right corner) > more tools > Clear Browsing Cache.  Change the Time Range to "All Times" and click "Clear Data" 

Thank you and have a great day! 

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