FAQ: Payroll and Timesheet Submission

FAQ: Payroll and Timesheet Submission

These frequently asked questions will help provide guidance as you troubleshoot through the payroll section of Aloha.

My payroll period does not match the period in my payroll processor.  How do I change it?

In Settings > Payroll > General, you can select a start date (the first day of the current period) as well as a frequency.  

A little more about payroll frequency:  BiMonthly pay can only begin on the 1st and 16th of the month since they payroll dates are set.  Every other week indicates a corresponding date of the week of a payroll period rather than an exact date.  For example, every other week would have the payroll period start every other Friday while bimonthly starts on the 1st of the month regardless of whether it's a Tuesday or a Sunday.

If you cannot edit the date, it is because you have already run a payroll.  Try going to Payroll > Process Payroll and click "revert".  Revert all payrolls and then you can select a new payroll start date.

I'm processing payroll and see "Castback" appointments.  What is that?

A castback is an appointment that is completed and ready to be paid that falls outside of the payroll period.  For example, if your pay period is April 1-15th, but one of your employees was late to complete their appointment on March 31st and it was not included in the previous payroll, it will show up in the next payroll as a “castback”.  If you paid that appointment, you can select exclude.  If you want to include it in this payroll report, select include.  If you aren’t sure, skip it and will show up the next time you run payroll.

What is average weighted pay, and how does that work?

Weighted average pay refers to how overtime is calculated.  Overtime hours are calculated based on calendar week which is Sunday to Saturday. Aloha uses weighted average to calculate overtime rate per federal rule.  As a general rule, the weighted average rate of an employee who works at two or more different straight-time rates (e.g, "Regular" and "Training") of pay in one workweek is the average hourly rate for the week, computed by totaling straight time pay for the week and dividing that figure by the number of hours worked.  Please refer to the following guide as to how weighted average pay is calculated:

What is a timesheet?

Timesheets are a way for your employees to take an extra step to certify their hours.  This can be helpful to make This is optional, they do not need to submit a timesheet to get paid.  However, if they attempt to submit their timesheet and have incomplete appointments, Aloha will not let them submit their timesheet.  You can turn on/off timesheet submission for your employees by going to Payroll > General and selecting the box.  From there toggle the button next time "timesheet submission".

If you choose to have your staff complete timesheets, please share this Knowledge Base article on Timesheet Submission.

I have to edit an appointment and when I uncheck "completed" it says I cannot uncomplete because it is a "timesheet processed appointment" or a "payroll processed appointment".  How can I uncomplete this?

Once an employee has submitted a timesheet for an appointment or an appointment has been processed for payroll it cannot be edited.  To edit an appointment, these things must be reverted.

Revert Payroll:  Go to Payroll > Process Payroll.  Use the back button to go to the previous payroll period and then click revert.  You must revert all payrolls until the one with the appointment you need to change.  For example, if you need to change an appointment on March 2nd and it is currently April 15th, you would need to revert your April and March payrolls to get back far enough.  Once you edit the appointment, make sure to rerun all payrolls to the current period.

Revert Timesheet:  Go to Payroll > Timesheet Submission.  Select the employee with the appointment you need to edit.  In the upper right corner, click Revert.  Then Select any date before the appointment you need to change.  From here the appointment should be editable.  Once you finish, you can use the same steps and hit submit to resubmit the employee's timesheet on their behalf.

Can my employees clock in and out?  

There is not clock-in/clock-out feature right now in Aloha.  It is recommended to have your staff verify their session times with the exact number of minutes they worked for both billing and payroll purposes.

Does Aloha integrate with my payroll processor?  Is Aloha my new payroll processor?

Aloha does not integrate with any payroll company and is not itself a payroll processor.  Our system can generate a report with the gross pay and breakdown of hours for each of your employees that you can plug into your payroll processor.  However, if you have more than 30 staff members, it is possible to Payroll Map with certain payroll companies so you can create a report that can be uploaded directly into your payroll processor rather than enter the payroll information manually.  If you have more than 30 employees and are using one of he Payroll processors that we can map to (i.e., ADP Workforce Now, Gusto, Heartland, Paychex Flex), please contact your Customer Success Manager,

How do I know the overtime laws for my state?

We always recommend checking with a payroll processor on your state's overtime laws or refer to this guide on State Overtime Laws.

Can I track my employee's accrual of PTO or sick time in Aloha?

At this time, Aloha cannot track accrual of PTO or sick time.  However, we can track how much your employees have used.  When setting your pay rates, include an earning code for PTO or sick time for employees that can access these benefits.  When the employee takes time off, make sure to schedule them a "non-service" or "non-billable" appointment and select the corresponding earning code in the "verification" tab.  Make sure to select the earning code corresponding with their time off.  To check and see how much time off your employees have used, refer to the report Staff PTO Hours.

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