Concurrent Billing Rules

Concurrent Billing Rules

Aloha has a Concurrent Billing Rule feature that allows you to overlap two services and only bill one in the overlap. When this billing rule is created, it will only bill one service in the overlapped time of the appointments. 


How to apply this billing rule 

  1. Go to your Payer Profile 

  1. Click on the tab labeled “Billing Rules” 


  1. Click on the edit icon 

  1. Check the box next to “Concurrent Billing” 


  1. Select “Add Rules” 

  1. Select your two overlapping services  

  1. Select which is your billing service

  1. Click “Save” 


Prior to the concurrent billing rules being applied, this is an example of what it will look like on the Schedule. 

On the schedule, these rules will apply after the two overlapped appointments are “completed.” It does not matter which of the two appointments are completed first, as long as both are marked "complete".

A popup will appear on the second completed appointment asking if you’d like to proceed with applying these billing rules.

After clicking "yes", the system will proceed by splitting up the overlapped time into a non-billable and billable portions so that it can be billed appropriately. 

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